The Ministry is divided into four main divisions as follows:

1. Corporate Services Division (CSD)

  • provides administration and support function of the Ministry.
These make the units under the Corporate Services Division: i.     Finance Unit      ii.    Human Resources / Administration Unit   iii. Information & Communication Technology Unit  
Chief Executive Officer with Corporate Service team 3rd row: Inoke Tufui, Tupou Óneóne 2nd row: Ahomana Malupo, Siokapesi Lolesio, Puli Fahiua, Évaloni Havea, Meita Uta, Ámelia Langi, Lusia Hui, Vea Pongi, Lovely Pauú, Ána Faiva 1st row: Sione Ika (Deputy Secretary), Dr. Fotu Fisiíahi (CEO), Inoke Moa

2. Monitoring & Compliance Division (MCD)

  • monitors the financial performance of PEs and enforces compliance of PEs with the requirements of the PE Act.
CEO with the Monitoring & Compliance team Back row: Violani Tupou, Fehoko Kakato, Alamita Soakai, Moneata Uatahausi, Lesieli Fanga, Evelini Fifita Front Row: Lavinia Ika (Deputy Secretary), Dr. Fotu Fisiíahi (CEO), Angelina Mahe (Acting Deputy Secretary for Legal & Policy Division)

3. Rationalization & Special Projects Division (RSPD)

  •  supports the Ministry’s services and activities that include winding up or corporatize PEs, supporting new PEs, and also any special projects assigned to the Ministry.
CEO with the Rationalization and Special Projects team Back row: Kilisitina Ísitolo, Feófaáki Longani, Taufa Lolomanaía, Únaloto Palaki Front row: Falahola Naidu (Deputy Secretary), Dr. Fotu Fisiíahi (CEO), Kolotile Toetuú

4. Legal & Policy Division

  • provides legal and policy advice to enhance and enforce policy and legislation for effective control and monitor of Public Enterprises.
Ms. Angelina Mahe, Legal & Policy Division