Tonga Strategic Development Framework II (TSDF II)

The Ministry’s operations are guided by the Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDF) 2015 – 2025:

“A more progressive TONGA: Enhancing Our Inheritance; GOD AND TONGA ARE MY INHERITANCE!”

 which derives the following National Impact:

Government Vision 



To contribute towards realizing this vision, the Ministry meets the following specific TSDF organizational outcome objectives outlined in the TSDF II document.

  • Outcome 1.4: Improved public enterprise performance to generate appropriate returns on government investment while supporting inclusive, sustainable development and the growth of businesses and communities.
  •  Outcome 4.1: More reliable, safe, affordable and widely available energy services build on an appropriate mix between traditional and renewable energies.
  • Outcome 4.2: More reliable, safe and affordable transport services on each island, connecting islands and connecting the Kingdom with the rest of the world by sea and air, to improve the movement of people and goods. 
  • Outcome 4.3: More reliable, safe and affordable information and communications technology (ICT) used in more innovative and inclusive ways, linking people across the Kingdom and with the rest of the world, delivering key services by government and business and drawing communities more closely together. 
  • Outcome 5.3: Cleaner environments and less pollution from household and business activities building on improved waste management, minimization and recycling, making conditions safer, healthier and more pleasant from residents and visitors.