The government’s role towards its Public Enterprises was commended as a division under the Ministry of Finance. In October 2006, the Government decided to establish the Ministry of Public Enterprises through the Public Service and Economic reform program to specifically oversee and monitor the Government’s commercial interests.

The Government of Tonga (GOT) established the Ministry to support the Minister of Public Enterprises, as the representative of GOT, as the shareholder in its Public Enterprises (PEs), in accordance with the PE Act, the requirements of the Tonga Strategic Development Framework II (TSDF II) and the GoT’s other identified priorities.

Back row: Ms. Jacinta Finau, Ms. Ófeina Filimoehala, Ms. Évaloni Havea, Ms. Kalolaine Liutai, Ms. Kulaea Kilisimasi Front row: Ms. Seionala Tuívai, Mr. Ínoke F. Vala (CEO), Hon Minister, Lord Matoto, Ms. Lorraine Paasi, Ms. Tupou Tonga


As the GoT continued its reform programs in various sectors, the Ministry is working with PEs to support these programs and to contribute to economic and social sustainability. This is to be achieved through the efficient utilization of public resources in creating wealth, service provision and the support of the Private Sector as the engine of economic growth. These focuses guided the Ministry’s relationship with PEs and stakeholders.

The Ministry depicted its operating powers and authority from legislations and the TSDF II, which include:

  • The Public Enterprises Act, as amended
  • The Companies Act
  • Tonga Strategic Development Framework II (TSDF II)
  • Strategic Development Goal (SDG)
  • Government Priority Agenda (GPA)

We have then, broken down our Ministry related specific goal statements below in order to link to the Government vision:


To be leading organization in promoting, enabling & encouraging outstanding performance of the public enterprises.



  1. Assist all Public Enterprises to become Profitable and sustainable & contribute to Government Revenue
  2. Ensure Public Enterprises are serving and meeting the needs of all Tongans.
  3. Prepare Public Enterprises for eventual restructure or reforms when required.
  4. Ensure public enterprises outcomes and direction are in line with government priorities.


The following core values serve to constantly guide both the employee and the ministry in achieving their mutual goals, in a manner that is based on an ethical and ideological framework.

  1. Integrity and honesty
  2. Positive values
  3. Pride
  4. Support and collaboration
  5. Empowerment
  6. Service and professionalism
  7. Respect
  8. Innovation (not imitation)
  9. Drive